Choreographer | Dancer | Actor | Dance Tutor
Alice Ma
contemporary dance

Alice MA
Choreographer | Dancer | Actor | Dance Tutor
Graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) Degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), majoring in Contemporary Dance and Choreography, Alice has been performing contemporary dacnce for 15 years.
kind words
★★★★★ 5/5
“Ma is a very ‘pragmatic’ dance artist. Her way to become sure of her creative direction is by building milestones through creating more and more work.”
Yama - Dance Journal
★★★★★ 5/5
★★★★★ 5/5
“她在獨舞,亦是與時代共舞。 馬師雅 Alice喜歡創作具實驗性的當代舞演出,以身體探討人性與社會現狀,亦為內心深處最歇斯底里的情感尋找出口。 編舞創作讓她一步一步留下屬於自己的成長印記。從若隱若存的足印中,她不斷尋覓節奏與方向,並決意以自己的步伐,與時代一同前行。”