
Fling 撲棱 2022 A duo of a juggler and a hiphop dancer. Choreographer Alice Ma Performer Yip Chan, Charles Wong Music Leung Po Wing 撲棱一聲,飛起一隻小鳥. 它 被放飛到空中,在小鳥般飛翔, 然後會落回繩上, 等待再次被送上天上飛翔, 再落回繩子上,再等待….不斷重複著… 它 就只可以落回繩子上,才會再被人拋到空中飛翔的機會嗎? 是次演出除了貫徹馬師雅近年的「黑暗調子」,作品反映人性黑暗卻又在漆黑中透著點點光。…… 《撲棱》是一齣神釆飛揚、火花四濺的作品,全賴編舞謙遜態度,對舞者的信任,成就了現在亮麗的演出。 程天朗


Dingdingdingding 叮叮叮叮 2022 Studio Theatre ,Hong Kong Cultural Center Choreographer and performer Alice Ma Music Leung Po Wing 你輕輕一按,就是這直打入心臟的聲音。 然而…你一直按,不斷的按… 作品、舞者與觀眾的交流,表面上體現在手指的動作,其實指向了多個語境,也給劇場中的行為模式敲響了醒鐘。 徒如


Soulless 2017 Presented by E-side Dance Company Choreographer and Performer Ma Sze Nga Alice Music AME by Shum Lok Man Lego Performer Ke Chi Fai Felix Bit by bit my Soul is leaving, My hollow is waiting, and waiting, and longing……


Leg 溺 2023 Presented by E-side Dance Company Choreographer Alice Ma Performer Kammy Lau Plunging into the stage, Exploring insight Escape Selfish Grown Indulge Romance Until I discover…… 舞動的腿隨著不斷加快的音樂與加速轉動的鏡頭不斷跳著,也因此牽引大布形成波紋,最後俯瞰的鏡頭讓觀眾看到變成了一朵花的圖案,相當有趣。 聞一浩

I Dont Mean It

I don’t mean it 講吓啫 2021 Black box Theatre, Kwai Tsing theatre Choreographer and Performer Ma Sze Nga Alice Composer and Sound Designer Leung Po-wing We don’t even know whether the words from us are as intended, or simply lies. 馬師雅以默劇式的浮誇表情與身體語言,再現演說中的公眾人物。具煽動意圖的手部動作,配以戲曲器樂伴奏,呈現出一場具戲劇性的無聲演說。在公式化的動作中,舞者強化了言語與身體的分裂,堅定有力的手勢與發抖不穩的站姿展現出謊言蠶食身體的狀態。 黃寶儀


Over-Master 點指 2019 Studio Theatre ,Hong Kong Cultural Center Commissioned and Produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival Touring: 2022 Sai Dance Festival – Japan 2022 New Dance for Asia – Koren 2023 CDE Spring Board -Macao Choreographer and Performer Ma Sze Nga Alice Music Leung Po-wing What society calls normal behaviour, psychotherapist Everett Shostrom […]


Wu 烏 2018 Black box Theatre, Kwai Tsing theatre Touring: 2019 New Dance for Asia -Korea 2023 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, US Choreographer and Performer Ma Sze Nga Alice Composer Leung Po-wing The Hidden dark corner, will soon be discovered by the other corner. Imperfect like me (you), is that alright? 這個作品有較為明顯的啟承轉合框架,讓觀眾在一瞬間進入角色世界,這是非常聰明的藝術選擇 曲飛 雖是很出色的舞者,但馬師雅一開始不強調「跳」,也不以漂亮美麗的動作為主,而是一些細微、抽搐般的動作,那種不由自主、像受操控般的顫動,還有竭斯底里的狂笑,動作幅度則慢慢加大和加強至近尾聲的爆發。不知是否編舞的意圖,但觀眾能讀到作品對社會對女性的既定觀念和由此而來的規範的反抗。暗黑一面的烏黑羽毛藏在裙底,當她郁動時,羽毛慢慢掉下,由少至多,而她又努力而尷尬地將之拾起、藏起。整體的舞蹈編排與作曲梁寶榮的音樂相當配合,動作變化也不少,最後走到台下拾起地上的羽毛,退後走一圈再回到台上,捧著羽毛站在那裡的一刻——人不完美,可以嗎?——無言的一站,叫人觸動。 聞一浩 The […]

Living Creatures

Living Creatures 2023 Black box Theatre, Kwai Tsing theatre Presented by International Arts Carnival 2023 Choreographer Alice Ma Mary Jane Tang Ronly Kwong Living Creatures is an immersive dance theatre piece specially designed for newborns up to 24-month-olds, utilising dance, music, lighting and props as well as the environment to stimulate sensory development. PRESS dance […]